Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Personal Extention

Before I can explain how I am working to live out my American Dream, I realized I needed to recognize it first. Though it may seem like a very vague American Dream, mine is to be successful in my own standards. For me to consider myself successful I would like to be financially stable, help less fortunate people, and also recognize, appreciate, and help the people that impacted my life and also helped me along the way. I am in the process of completing this Dream, though it will never be completely completed, by attending school and receiving an education that will help me get the job of my dreams. I also find myself finding people who have impacted my life by simple actions, and begin to look up to them as a role-model. When I do encounter obstacle I sometimes find myself giving in, even though I know this will not help me over come this obstacle. Often times, I find one person that will help me over come this obstacle, even though they may not realize it, and this is why I would like to recognize these people. I am very far completing this dream, and also will be because there is always something more that you can add to your own personal definition of being successful.


Ms. Micallef said...

Nice Brit - I like your reflection but I don't think life is about "completing" the Dream as much as living the dream - which makes you come to question and define what is the "dream" - for some-they equate it with material success - but you mention other heartfelt successes - and that is equally as valid - when you wrote I thought of myself because while I like nice things - I think I am most successful when I help others to grow and I feel most grateful when others help me to grow - and that is what teaching does for me - it provides me with this reciprocity. It would be nice if your group could dialogue like this and even share this site with the people you interviewed.

Ms Micallef